Reputation Management

Don’t let a Troll scare your clients away.

David Vidal

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

What is reputation management?

The reputation of your business is both what your say about yourself and what others say about your brand. Managing reputation is nothing new; what’s new is how the internet and social media have changed the way businesses are being defined and how fast their reputations spread.

What is presence management and how does it help local businesses?

Presence management is making sure that customers can find the right information about your business online. Correct and consistent listings across directories, review sites and social networks are crucial.

Why is online review monitoring important?

With over 33 million local reviews on Yelp alone, it’s clear that customers are sharing their opinions online. Seventy-two percent of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal referrals, so whether it’s a testimonial, a detailed article on someone’s blog, or an offhand comment on Twitter, people are now chatting 24/7—and local business owners need to be paying attention.

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